' Options: 'Date: 2024-10-18 04:14:33 'Version: 6.40 'Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "''" prefix before updating 'BaseUrl: https://digiofficeapigateway.deltares.nl/api ' '''GlobalNamespace: '''MakePartial: True '''MakeVirtual: True '''MakeDataContractsExtensible: False '''AddReturnMarker: True '''AddDescriptionAsComments: True '''AddDataContractAttributes: False '''AddIndexesToDataMembers: False '''AddGeneratedCodeAttributes: False '''AddResponseStatus: False '''AddImplicitVersion: '''InitializeCollections: True '''ExportValueTypes: False 'IncludeTypes: GenerateWordPrintableDocument.* '''ExcludeTypes: '''AddNamespaces: '''AddDefaultXmlNamespace: http://schemas.servicestack.net/types Imports System Imports System.Collections Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Runtime.Serialization Imports ServiceStack Imports ServiceStack.DataAnnotations Imports System.Drawing Imports IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.DTO Imports IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.DTO.Word Imports IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.Operations.Word Namespace Global Namespace IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.DTO Public Partial Class DocumentBase64File Public Overridable Property ContentType As String Public Overridable Property Content As String End Class Public Interface IRegisteredDocumentRequest Property RegisteredDocumentID As Guid End Interface Public Enum PrintLogoStyle Colour Invisible End Enum End Namespace Namespace IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.DTO.Word Public Partial Class GenerateWordPrintableDocumentResponse Implements IGenerateWordPrintableDocumentResponse ''' '''The file to print ''' Public Overridable Property File As DocumentBase64File End Class Public Interface IGenerateWordPrintableDocumentResponse Property File As DocumentBase64File End Interface Public Partial Class WordPageSetup Public Overridable Property FirstPageTray As Integer Public Overridable Property OtherPagesTray As Integer End Class End Namespace Namespace IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.Operations.Word ''' '''Generate a (corporate identity) printable document based on an existing document registration or working file. ''' Public Partial Class GenerateWordPrintableDocument Implements IReturn(Of GenerateWordPrintableDocumentResponse) Implements IGenerateWordPrintableDocument Implements IRegisteredDocumentRequest ''' '''ID of the current document registration ''' Public Overridable Property RegisteredDocumentID As Guid ''' '''The unsaved active document to print instead of the saved document. ''' Public Overridable Property WorkingFile As DocumentBase64File ''' '''When printing on stationary use PrintLogoStyle.Hidden to remove subsidary logo's from the document ''' Public Overridable Property LogoStyle As PrintLogoStyle ''' '''Represents a subset of the page setup properties of a section. ''' Public Overridable Property PageSetup As WordPageSetup End Class Public Interface IGenerateWordPrintableDocument Property RegisteredDocumentID As Guid Property WorkingFile As DocumentBase64File Property LogoStyle As PrintLogoStyle Property PageSetup As WordPageSetup End Interface End Namespace End Namespace