' Options: 'Date: 2024-10-18 04:25:36 'Version: 6.40 'Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "''" prefix before updating 'BaseUrl: https://digiofficeapigateway.deltares.nl/api ' '''GlobalNamespace: '''MakePartial: True '''MakeVirtual: True '''MakeDataContractsExtensible: False '''AddReturnMarker: True '''AddDescriptionAsComments: True '''AddDataContractAttributes: False '''AddIndexesToDataMembers: False '''AddGeneratedCodeAttributes: False '''AddResponseStatus: False '''AddImplicitVersion: '''InitializeCollections: True '''ExportValueTypes: False 'IncludeTypes: GenerateDocument.* '''ExcludeTypes: '''AddNamespaces: '''AddDefaultXmlNamespace: http://schemas.servicestack.net/types Imports System Imports System.Collections Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Runtime.Serialization Imports ServiceStack Imports ServiceStack.DataAnnotations Imports System.Drawing Imports IDB.API.Entities Imports IDB.API.DocumentGenerator Imports IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.DTO Imports IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.Operations.General Imports IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.DTO.General Imports IDB.API.Common Namespace Global Namespace IDB.API.Common Public Partial Class Field Public Overridable Property Name As String Public Overridable Property OldValue As String Public Overridable Property Value As String Public Overridable Property Title As String End Class End Namespace Namespace IDB.API.DocumentGenerator Public Partial Class Attachment Public Overridable Property Name As String Public Overridable Property AttachmentData As AttachmentData End Class Public Partial Class AttachmentData Public Overridable Property ContentType As String ''' '''Data base64-encoded zonder padding. ''' Public Overridable Property Data As String End Class Public Partial Class ConfigurationSource ''' '''Document genereren op basis van een DocGenDocument. ''' Public Overridable Property DocumentgeneratorDocument As DocumentgeneratorDocumentReference ''' '''Document genereren op basis van een RegistratieProfiel. ''' Public Overridable Property RegistrationProfile As RegistrationProfileReference ''' '''Use existing document registration. ''' Public Overridable Property RegisteredDocument As DocumentReference ''' '''Use draft document registration. ''' Public Overridable Property DraftDocumentRegistration As MessageQueueReference Public Overridable Property DocumentgeneratorType As Type ''' '''DocumentgeneratorType voor bijvoorbeeld Word of Email. ''' Public Overridable Property DocumentgeneratorTypeName As String Public Overridable Property TemplateExtension As String Public Overridable Property OutputExtension As String End Class Public Enum Direction Left2Right = 0 UpLeft2DownRight = 45 Up2Down = 90 UpRight2DownLeft = 135 Right2Left = 180 DownRight2UpLeft = 225 Down2Up = 270 DownLeft2UpRight = 315 End Enum Public Partial Class Signer Public Sub New() Signature = New List(Of String) End Sub Public Overridable Property User As UserReference Public Overridable Property Person As PersonReference Public Overridable Property Relation As RelationReference Public Overridable Property ContactPerson As ContactPersonReference Public Overridable Property RegisteredDocument As DocumentReference Public Overridable Property Type As SignerType Public Overridable Property ClosingSentence As String Public Overridable Property Name As String Public Overridable Property Subsidiary As String Public Overridable Property [Function] As String Public Overridable Property Department As String Public Overridable Property PhoneNumber As String Public Overridable Property FaxNumber As String Public Overridable Property MobileNumber As String Public Overridable Property Email As String Public Overridable Property CustomText As String Public Overridable Property Signature As List(Of String) Public Overridable Property SignatureVisible As Nullable(Of Boolean) Public Overridable Property Visible As Nullable(Of Boolean) End Class Public Enum SignerType MainSigner AdditionalSigner ConfirmationDeclarant AdditionalConfirmationDeclarant End Enum Public Partial Class SubProject Public Overridable Property Project As ProjectReference End Class Public Enum VersioningType New Change Primary Secondary End Enum Public Partial Class Watermark Public Overridable Property Text As String Public Overridable Property FontFamilyText As String Public Overridable Property FontFamily As FontFamily Public Overridable Property Direction As Nullable(Of Direction) Public Overridable Property StrokeColorText As String Public Overridable Property StrokeColor As Color Public Overridable Property FillColorText As String Public Overridable Property FillColor As Color End Class End Namespace Namespace IDB.API.Entities Public Partial Class CommonEntityBaseReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As String Public Overridable Property ExternalID As String Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) End Class Public Partial Class CompanyReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property Number As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) Public Overridable Property ExternalID As String End Class Public Partial Class ContactPersonReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) Public Overridable Property ExternalID As String Public Overridable Property RelationID As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property PersonID As Nullable(Of Integer) End Class Public Partial Class DocumentgeneratorDocumentReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Nullable(Of Guid) Public Overridable Property Name As String Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) End Class Public Partial Class DocumentReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Nullable(Of Guid) Public Overridable Property Code As String Public Overridable Property VersionCode As String Public Overridable Property RootDocID As Nullable(Of Guid) Public Overridable Property InternalInvoiceCode As String Public Overridable Property CompanyNumber As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property DocumentTypeID As String Public Overridable Property InvoiceType As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property RegProfCatID As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) Public Overridable Property ExternalID As String Public Overridable Property ExternNr As String Public Overridable Property InternNummer As String End Class Public Interface IEntityReference Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) End Interface Public Partial Class MessageQueueReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) End Class Public Partial Class PersonReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property Number As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) Public Overridable Property ExternalID As String End Class Public Partial Class ProjectReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property Code As String Public Overridable Property TypeExternalID As String Public Overridable Property CompanyNumber As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) Public Overridable Property ExternalID As String End Class Public Partial Class RegistrationProfileReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Guid Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) End Class Public Partial Class RelationReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property CreditorNumber As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property DebtorNumber As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property GlobalLocationNumber As String Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) Public Overridable Property ExternalID As String End Class Public Partial Class UserReference Implements IEntityReference Public Overridable Property ID As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property LoginName As String Public Overridable Property UserPrincipalName As String Public Overridable Property FullName As String Public Overridable Property EmailAddress As String Public Overridable Property GlobalID As Nullable(Of Guid) End Class End Namespace Namespace IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.DTO Public Interface IDocument Property ConfigurationSource As ConfigurationSource Property DataSourceEntity As CommonEntityBaseReference Property RegistrationMetaData As RegistrationMetaData Property CustomData As String Property Watermark As Watermark Property OutputType As String End Interface Public Partial Class RegistrationMetaData Public Sub New() SubProjects = New List(Of SubProject) Signers = New List(Of Signer) Fields = New List(Of Field) Attachments = New List(Of Attachment) End Sub ''' '''Hoe moet het versiebeheer worden toegepast? ''' Public Overridable Property Versioning As Nullable(Of VersioningType) ''' '''Previous document will be used for registration of a new version. ''' Public Overridable Property PreviousDocument As DocumentReference ''' '''Company ''' Public Overridable Property Company As CompanyReference ''' '''Relation ''' Public Overridable Property Relation As RelationReference ''' '''Person ''' Public Overridable Property Person As PersonReference ''' '''Project ''' Public Overridable Property Project As ProjectReference ''' '''Sub projects ''' Public Overridable Property SubProjects As List(Of SubProject) ''' '''Signers ''' Public Overridable Property Signers As List(Of Signer) ''' '''Bevat velden die gebruikt worden als additionele metadata voor het document, naast de vaste koppelingen zoals gebruiker, project en relatie. ''' Public Overridable Property Fields As List(Of Field) ''' '''Attachments die aan de documentregistratie gekoppeld moet worden. ''' Public Overridable Property Attachments As List(Of Attachment) End Class End Namespace Namespace IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.DTO.General Public Partial Class GenerateDocumentResponse Implements IGenerateDocumentResponse ''' '''Contains the registration ID of the generated (corporate identity) document ''' Public Overridable Property DocumentID As Guid End Class Public Interface IGenerateDocumentResponse Property DocumentID As Guid End Interface End Namespace Namespace IDB.DocumentGenerator.SDK.Operations.General ''' '''Generate custom Document (Don't use from inside VSTO's) ''' Public Partial Class GenerateDocument Implements IReturn(Of GenerateDocumentResponse) Implements IGenerateDocument ''' '''DigiOffice user ''' Public Overridable Property User As UserReference ''' '''Send the generated e-mail via the e-mail queue. ''' Public Overridable Property SendMail As Boolean ''' '''ConfigurationSource: DocumentgeneratorDocument of RegistratieProfiel. ''' Public Overridable Property ConfigurationSource As ConfigurationSource ''' '''Set references to bind with Registration profile ''' Public Overridable Property RegistrationMetaData As RegistrationMetaData ''' '''Entity instance used as data source parent, if not exists default is Document registration instance. ''' Public Overridable Property DataSourceEntity As CommonEntityBaseReference ''' '''Hier kan de (dynamische) data voor het document geplaatst worden, de data kan middels tekstblokken en placeholders worden geplaatst.Het formaat binnen CustomData staat vrij maar vereist een 'root' element. ''' Public Overridable Property CustomData As String ''' '''Insert a watermark into the document. ''' Public Overridable Property Watermark As Watermark ''' '''Type van het gegenereerde document, bijvoorbeeld: Doc, Docx, Pdf. ''' Public Overridable Property OutputType As String ''' '''Should update the document file. ''' Public Overridable Property ShouldUpdateDocumentFile As Boolean End Class Public Interface IGenerateDocument Implements IDocument Property User As UserReference Property SendMail As Boolean Property ShouldUpdateDocumentFile As Boolean End Interface End Namespace End Namespace